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The Einstein Telescope Collaboration will gather for its annual meeting in Warsaw, Poland, from November 12 to 15, bringing together the scientific community from across Europe and the world. The Einstein Telescope (ET) represents an ambitious new chapter in gravitational wave astronomy, aspiring to become a leading global observatory that will probe the universe’s most profound mysteries with unprecedented precision. The local organizers of the Annual Meeting are University of Warsaw in cooperation with the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
In addition to the main meeting from November 12-14 (Tuesday - Thursday), several satellite meetings are planned for November 15 (Friday):
Krzysztof (Chris) Belczynski pioneered the study of massive black hole formation from the collapse of metal-poor progenitors, several years before the advanced detectors' era. He demonstrated that binary population synthesis is the necessary starting point to understand the (astro)physics of binary compact objects, unraveling the importance of stellar winds, mass transfer, and common envelope. Thanks to his work, we understand why LIGO and Virgo have observed many more binary black holes than neutron star mergers. For many years to come, his models will be a cornerstone for the science case of the Einstein telescope, as well as for the other implications of massive binary star evolution across cosmic time. His volcanic, unconventional, and provocative personality will be sorely missed.
The 2nd Einstein Telescope Annual Meeting (Nov, 14, 2023 - Nov, 16, 2023) will be the opportunity to discuss key points of the ET collaboration and of the ET design.
The meeting is hosted by the “Gravitational waves” group of the Astroparticles, Astrophysics and Cosmology (A2C) department of the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratoire des deux infinis (IJCLab). It will take place in the IJCLab Lehmann auditorium (building 200) in the campus of the Paris-Saclay University. Open to all ET collaboration members, it will start on Tuesday morning November 14th and end on Thursday November 16th at lunch time. In-person and remote registrations are possible.
The XIII symposium of the Einstein Telescope (ET) will be held in Cagliari, at the THotel from May 8th to May 12th 2023.
The Symposium is organized in parallel sessions, hosting workshops managed by the ET specific boards (EIB, ISB, OSB and SPB), and a plenary sessions to have a global view of all the activities on going.
Along the week several lectures on the physics of ET will be organized with the support of the OSB for PhD students and young researchers.
The second Site Preparation Board (SPB) workshop will take place from23-26 January 2023, Maastricht (NL). This will be the occasion to discuss and get updates on the various activities taking place at the sites aspiring to possibly host the future Einstein Telescope (Sardegna in Italy, EMR partially in Belgium, Germany & The Netherlands and possibly Lausitz in Germany). In particular (hydro)geology aspects, noise environment, legal/permitting affairs, bidbook organization, schedules, excavation costs, local funding and future plans, etc. will be discussed. Apart from plenary presentations, lots of time will be reserved for discussions.
The venue of the workshop is Thiessen Wineries, Maastricht, Grote Gracht 18, 6211SW, Maastricht, The Netherlands. See: A maximum of 50 participants can be hosted in person. A video (Zoom) link will be provided to allow remote attendance.