The 5th general Einstein Telescope Symposium was a full two day meeting on October 22-23, 2013, held at the AEI in Hannover.

Scope of the meeting was the scientific exchange within the ET scientific community and planning of ongoing activities, like ET R&D and ELiTES. All members of the Einstein Telescope Science Team were welcome to attend, but unfortunately we had to limit the number of participants to a maximum of 60 people due to space constraints.

The event web page is available here.


Agenda of the meeting and link to the talks:

October 22

Start end Duration
Chair: K. Danzmann
09:30 09:40 00:10 H.Lueck Willkommen
09:40 10:00 00:20 M.Punturo EU projects and future
10:00 10:10 00:10 H.Lueck ET R&D
10:10 10:30 00:20 Th. Berghoefer News on APPEC and Horizon2020
10:30 11:00 00:30 K. Kuroda KAGRA
11:00 11:20 00:20 Coffee break
Chair: H. Lueck
11:20 11:50 00:30 Sathyaprakash Why ET?
11:50 12:10 00:20 I. Mandel Astrophysics with ET detections of compact binaries
12:10 12:30 00:20 A. Maselli Black hole-neutron star mergers
12:30 12:50 00:20 T. Regimbau MDC2
12:50 13:50 01:00 Lunch
13:50 14:30 00:40 all Poster session I and free discussion on collaboration issues
Chair: M. Punturo
14:30 14:50 00:20 J. van den Brand ET R&D - WG2
14:50 15:10 00:20 G. Papp On the influence of ocean dynamics on gravity noise
15:10 15:30 00:20 J. Harms Newtonian noise models for the Einstein Telescope
15:30 15:50 00:20 F. Ricci
1 year seismic measurements in Sos Enattos
15:50 16:10 00:20 Coffee break
Chair: K. Kuroda
16:10 16:30 00:20 N. Kimura Cryogenic technology developments in KAGRA
16:30 16:50 00:20 K. Yamamoto cryogenic payload for KAGRA
16:50 17:50 01:00 M.Punturo IGWR - Integrating GW Research (H2020) - preparatory discussion

October 23

Start end Duration
Chair: A. Freise
09:00 09:30 00:30 C. Graef ET sensing and control.
09:30 09:50 00:20 R. Nawrodt Investigation of mechanical, optical and thermal properties of material for future GW detectors
09:50 10:10 00:20 D. Heinert The effect of anisotropy onto Brownian noise in Sapphire and Silicon test masses.
10:10 10:30 00:20 A. Cumming
Cryogenic suspension modelling and fabrication
10:30 10:50 00:20 M. ter Brake
Sorption cooling
10:50 11:10 00:20 Coffee break
Chair: R. Nawrodt
11:10 11:40 00:30 G. Cagnioli
On the dilution factor, coated silica loss and direct thermal noise measurements
11:40 12:00 00:20 J. Degallaix Update on the silicon absorption measurement
12:00 12:20 00:20 K. Agatsuma phase camera, which is a wave front sensor used for thermal compensation system.
12:20 12:40 00:20 S. Leavey Phase shift from sideways motion of a waveguide mirror.
12:40 13:40 01:00 Lunch
13:40 14:30 00:40 all Poster session II and discussion
Chair: M. Punturo
14:30 15:00 00:30

Discussion: Publishing the ET DS paper







Preparation ELiTES Meeting