The mandate of the e-Infrastructure board is to design, create and operate an evolving, efficient and functional e-infrastructure environment at a reasonable cost for the ET collaboration. Initially the focus is the development of a Computing Model for the ET.
The EIB works in close collaboration with WP8 of the ET-PP Project.
The e-Infrastructure for the Einstein Telescope is the combination of the actual computing resources (CPUs, storage, network etc.), the middleware to coordinate their operation, the services they provide to the collaboration and the greater astronomy community, and the common frameworks upon which the user software is developed.
The EIB mandate is available here: ET-0323A-21.
Please learn more about the EIB and how get involved on the wiki page:
The EIB organization is the following:
EIB Chairs: Stefano Bagnasco, Patrice Verdier
ET-PP WP8 Chairs: Achim Stahl, Nadia Tonello
Division 1: Software, frameworks, and data challenge support - Chair: Andres Tanasijcsuk
Division 2: Services and Collaboration Support - Chair: Antonella Bozzi
Division 3: Computing and data model, Resource Estimation - Chair: Gonzalo Merino
Division 4: Multimessenger alerts infrastructure - Chair: Steven Schramm
TTG: Technology Tracking working Group – Chair: Sara Vallero
Liaison with OSB Division 10: John Veitch
Infradev Einstein Telescope Preparatory Phase (ET-PP):