ET OSB kick-off meeting
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- Written by: Michele Punturo
- Hits: 1558
The kick-off meeting of the Einstein Telescope Observational Science Board (OSB) is scheduled the 21st-22nd September 2021. It will be a fully video conference meeting. Zoom connection coordinates will be distributed to the registered participants; participation is open.
ET in the ESFRI Roadmap
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- Written by: Michele Punturo
- Hits: 2946
On 30 June, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) decided to include the Einstein Telescope (ET) in the update of its roadmap for 2021. This is a great result achieved thanks to the work of many actors: a group of visionary scientists who started thinking about the 3rd generation of gravitational wave detectors in 2004, the team that realised the ET concept design in 2011 and updated it in 2020, the ET Steering Committee, the institutions that signed the ET Consortium Agreement, and the governments that presented and supported the ET proposal for the 2021 update of the ESFRI Roadmap.
The inclusion of ET in the ESFRI Roadmap is an important milestone, but mainly a starting point for the realisation of the Einstein Telescope Gravitational Wave Observatory. The entire community interested in ET has clear goals that it will now pursue with even more momentum: finalising the ET technical design, selecting the ET site, further defining the science of ET and the 3G network of GW observatories, developing the ET technology to installation readiness, optimising the tools for data analysis and the scientific use of ET. All together, we need to attract a larger scientific community, a broader consortium of agencies and institutions, and stronger support from our governments for ET. On a global scale, we also need to exploit synergistic effects and strive for a harmonic relationship between the various gravitational wave projects.
Tomorrow starts today! Let's work together on ET!
Michele Punturo & Harald Lueck, co-chairs of the ET Steering Committee
The press releases by some of the institutions participating to ET are listed hereafter
GWADW 2021
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- Written by: Michele Punturo
- Hits: 2325
The 2021 GWADW registration web site is online. The workshop will be online from the 17th to the 21st of May.
ISB kick-off meeting
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- Written by: Michele Punturo
- Hits: 1297
Friday, 12th of February 2021, the kick-off meeting of the Instrument Science Board (ISB) will be held in videoconference. Division Chairs and Work Package chairs will meet for the first plenary meeting For more indications, please, use the internal wiki pages.
11th ET symposium (NEW)
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- Written by: Michele Punturo
- Hits: 5598
The 11th ET symposium is rescheduled from the 30th of November to the 3rd of December 2020. It will be a fully videoconference meeting.