Dear colleagues
The long journey of the Einstein Telescope (ET) has reached a crucial point: we are ready to launch the foundation of the ET Collaboration.
The ET Steering Committee has established an initial set of definitions and rules (ET Bylaws) that provide the framework for the ET Collaboration in its initial phase.
You can find the “ET bylaws” document at the link:
The building blocks of the ET collaboration are the Research Units (RU) and the ET Steering Committee is now launching the call for proposals of new RUs in ET. The procedure to submit a proposal for a new RU in ET starts at this link, where an online form and an offline Excel file have to be filled in for each new RU proposal.
The collection of RU proposals will be permanently open, but only the proposal received within the 31st of May 2022 will be “used” to form the first Collaboration Board, which will meet during the next ET Symposium.
The XII ET Symposium will be in Budapest (Hungary) the 7-8 of June, 2022. The symposium is organised in a hybrid configuration, both in person and via Zoom.
As the number of participants is limited, we invite you to register as soon as possible on the Indico page:
The Symposium will be a crucial step in the formation of the ET collaboration, following the procedure described above, and your participation is warmly recommended.
During the ET Symposium, the current status of the Collaboration, the exciting progress of the ET project and the scientific and technical progress in ET design will be presented; the focus will in any case be on the kick-off of the Collaboration.
We very much hope to see you in Budapest at the XII. ET Symposium.
Michele & Harald on behalf of the ET steering committee