Written by: Michele Punturo
Hits: 35195


Artistic view of the ET observatory Artistic view of the corner hall and of the ancillary hall
Artistic view of the ET observatory

Artistic view of the corner hall and of the

ancillary hall

Single ET detector scheme Draft scheme of the full observatory
Single ET detector scheme Draft scheme of the full ET observatory.
ET at night Cryogenic Plant scheme
ET at night (with content from here.
Credit: R. Williams (STScI), the Hubble Deep Field Team and NASA)
Cryogenic plant scheme
Scheme of the Shaft Access Scheme of the tunnel cross section
Scheme of the Shaft Access Scheme of the tunnel cross section
Low Frequency and High Frequency detectrs Artistic view of the main cavern
Low Frequency and High Frequency detectrs Artistic view of the main cavern
Main Hall access Artistic view of the suspension system
Main hall access

Artistic view of the pipes and

of the suspensions

A closer view of the suspension system Vacuum pipes scheme
A closer view of the suspension system Vacuum pipes scheme
Cryotrap scheme 3D view of a pumping station
Cryotrap scheme 3D view of a pumping station
Dreamy image of the ET observatory  Pictorial representation of the ET site
Dreamy image of the ET observatory  Pictorial image of ET